and ala2 terajin nk mengemas2 dapur yg sgtla xsedap mata memandang..
Lagipon dah berkurun lama xkemas.. xmasak jugaks..
so bile mood rajin datang tu basuhla apa yag patut susun, kemas bagai..
duk syok2 membasuh mengemas bagai..
tetiba mommy rasa kaki mommy bergerak ngan sendiri...
both of my leg move to the other way around...
and boom.. mommy on the floor..
mommy was so scared.. memang xde benda lain dlm kepala
doa dlm hati that baby are ok..mulut tak henti mengucap 2 kalimah syahadah..
hingga debaran dan jantung berdenyut kencang kembali normal..
mommy try to feel my stomach.. touch my baby.. gosok2 sambil doa everything will be ok...
all i pray that baby will be ok..
mommy pegang perut lagi try to feel anything..
xde rasa sakit perut or sakit apa2.. alhamdulillah..
my pelvis jek rasa sakit dan kebas2
try to feel baby movement... nothing..
mommy checked if had any bleeding or not..
i ve been lay down on the floor for about half an hour..
waiting for myself to calm.. and try to find my strengh to get up..
luckily aqeem was not at home that time.. he in his karate practice..
if aqeem at home.. he will traumatic more than mommy..
he will be cry first before mommy...
andmommy di not have anyone to call for help..
my brother were upstair sleeping..
he couldn't here me in the kitchen..
after dah tenang.. mommy gagahkan diri bangun..
and call someone for rescued.. call everybody who i can think can help me..
mommy ok, but i want to go check my baby to make sure she is ok too..
dugaan Allah tidak terhenti di sini saja.....
mommy blank xtau mana klinik nak pegi..
thinking of best clinik of course..
then choose aniza medical centre..sampai2 dengan mommy barely can walk masuk klinik
reception cakap.. dr xde on sunday.. monday baru boleh buay checkup.. hadoi..
then try to find nearby clinik.. juma satu tutup..
and decide to go to pusrawi kota Dam..
jalan jem teruk.. stuck in a jem..
naik kete bwk 40km per hour plaks..
mommy tension tahap gaban.. tahan sakit lagi..
sampai klinik.. pon sama jugaks dr pon xdop dah blk kul 1..
mommy tak nak pi spital gomen..dah serik dan xlarat nak menunggu..
gomen mih mestinya kena tunggu 3 4 jam br dpt treatment..
so mommy decide plak pegi Putra Medical Centre Sg Buloh..
this time pon sama clinic was closed at 1pm on weekend but dr masih ada
after explain my situation..
dr kata boleh check skejap..
baby ok.. uri ok xde bleeding or complikasi..
just mommy jek sakit susah bergerak and jalan..
dr bg 2 days mc.. rest at home..
layanan clinic pon ok.. Dr pon ok..
so mommy decided nak bersalin kat PMC lah..
memula nak PUSRAWI tp serounding dia a bit creepylah.. hihi:))
and today mommy rasa makin sihat..
rasa sakit ada sikit2 lagi..
tapi susah hati yang lebih sbb banyak keje pending kat ofis.. huhu:((
apa2 doakan mommy and baby selamat ya kengkawan..
take care..
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