Friday, December 11, 2009

:: Y ::

tak tau kenapa ari nih broadband haku tak leh nk access internet.. asek ckp port closing and something.. so haku tukar pakai phone as amodem.. korang sume taula kan betapi siputnya... berchenta giler nk buat entry tapi dek semangat waja haku nk berupdate blog.. and niat semalam nak buat entry 'mesra' tapi dah terbantut.. so i forgive and forgat.. cewahhh.. bunyik mcm ikhlaskan.. tapi dalam hati.. hanya Allah yang tahu dop..

so kol celcom td.. dia kata ada problem with mynumber.. tapi haku mcm bisa dgr cara dia cakappon haku mcm xpercaya.. sbb skang bile guna phone ok jek.. so xtau problem with line.. ka komputer ka omodem.. haku buta gak it mcm la** haku jugaks..
so sabau jek..

pe2 semoga whatsoever problem incurred moga cpt2 settle.

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