Friday, October 7, 2011

:: happy Birthday ::

its so damn hard to find a time to pamper my little blog.. missing rambling here but mommy sooooo busy... huhu:( plus my sweet besday boy tak sihat la plak...

it's not so late right to mommy  wish my precious lil' monter

happy besday sweetheart!
semoga membesar mencari redha Allah!

celebration belom buat lagi.. sbb dia dah terkena food poisoning ..
2 days flat...  asek poo and vomited everything he keshiannn..

so plan esok bwk dia outing and celebrate his besday..
jom Mok teh!!!

 even masih belum sempat sambut besday but he already received his present.


*gambar ilustrasi from google.. the real photo of his new bike is coming soon! tak bwk camera la plks.. hehe:))

from his daddy.
thank you daddy..
we love you soooo muchhhh! muahks!
bai guys.. take care!

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