Thursday, June 21, 2012

:: ku uji kekuatanku ::

Stress di tempat keje...
Macamana mau menanganinya...
Harap2 tak give up...

Macamana boleh salahkan org jika sendiri xpantau..
Mcm ketam mengajar anak berjalan luruskan...
Kepimpinan melalui teladan..

I dun hear what you said.. I saw what u did..

Mommy memang history xbleh keje more than 3years at one place..
Is it about time????
haha.. perhaps!

And mommy history jugaks
always left the company sbb gaduh or xsependapat ngan bosss.. Huhuhu
Tp ada jugaks bos yg xhenti membantu.
dan memberi tunjuk ajar disini..
that the reason why i still stay..
So i will stay bcoz of you dear..
Because i love learning..
I love to challenge myself
i want to see
can i push myself to be a better person in this stressful surrounding.. ngee:P

ok.. cukup tuk pg ni..take care
pray for me..

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